DELE + CCSE course

DELE + CCSE course


  • Starting date: 4 weeks before the exam date.
  • Exam dates: Check the date of the exams
  • Small classes: Average of 7 students (Minimum 3 students – Maximum 12 students per class)*.


  • Steps to order:
  1. Choose the course start date. Choose in the Start section the Monday corresponding to the week you want your course to start.
  2. Check the amount of your course and add your purchase to the cart by clicking on the button.
  3. Now you can go to your order and finish the purchase process.

Note: When choosing the start of the course, remember that it must start on Monday.

Clear dates

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This test, which came into force in October 2015, is aimed at those who wish to obtain the granting of Spanish nationality.


It is essential to pass the following tests:

  1. The exam to obtain the DIPLOMA of Spanish as a Foreign Language DELE A2 or higher. Proof of a basic knowledge of the Spanish language.
  2. The CCSE test (Constitutional and sociocultural knowledge of Spain). It accredits the knowledge of the Spanish Constitution and the Spanish social and cultural reality.



  • Passing this test accredits knowledge of the Spanish Constitutionand the Spanish cultural and social reality.
  • It is a prerequisite for acquiring Spanish nationality.
  • It is valid for the acquisition of Spanish nationality for Sephardic Jews and residents in Spain over 18 years of age.
  • This certificate is valid for 4 years.



The test consists of 5 tasks with a total of 25 closed-answer questions. There are questions with three answer options of which only one is true and others with only one answer option of true or false.

It has a maximum duration of 45 minutes.

It is written in the cultured norm of contemporary peninsular Spanish.

It is organized in two main sections:

  1. Government, legislation and citizen participation in Spain, which is equivalent to 60% of the questions.
  2. Spanish culture, history and society, which is equivalent to 40% of the questions.

To get a PASS score you have to get 15 of the 25 questions right (60% of the total).


* In the exceptional case that there are only 1 or 2 students of the same level, enrolled in the course, the school reserves the right to convert the course into a private or semi-private class, reducing the hours by 50%. Consult “Contracting conditions”

Additional information

Elige el número de semanas del curso

2 weeks, 4 weeks

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