• Starting date: 4 weeks before the exam date.
  • Exam dates: Check the dates of the exams DELE.
  • Small classes: Average of 7 students (Minimum 3 students - Maximum 12 students per class)*.
  • Course break: 1 week for every 8 weeks of course. It is necessary to give 4 weeks notice.
  • Steps to order:
  1. Choose the number of weeks of the course (4 weeks).
  2. Choose the course start date. Choose in the Start section the Monday corresponding to the week you want your course to start.
  3. Check the amount of your course and add your purchase to the cart by clicking on the button.
  4. Now you can go to your order and finish the purchase process.

Note: When choosing the start of the course, remember that it must start on Monday.