
¿Sabes qué es la virgulilla en español?

Según el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, la virgulilla es el “Signo ortográfico de forma de coma, rasguillo o trazo: p. ej., el apóstrofo, la cedilla, la tilde de la ñ, etc.” ¿Conoces el origen de la ñ? En la Edad Media, los monjes en los monasterios se dedicaban a copiar e ilustrar los [...]

Why is not the “h” pronounced?

The h is the eighth letter in the Latin alphabet and in the current Spanish is not pronounced, it is mute. Why? Because many of the words that in Latin were pronounced and written with f, through the centuries and the evolution of the own language, the f became a h aspirated until weak so [...]

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