The Santa Bárbara Spanish School was created in 2016 in response to a social and educational project demanded by today’s society with the aim of promoting and extending the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language to all corners of the world. Launched by the Cooperativa San Andrés y Santa Bárbara. It currently belongs to Hermandades del Trabajo – Centro de Madrid, a religious entity that promotes the integral development of workers, respecting their dignity and rights, and working to create social structures that are at the service of people.

Our mission and value propositions are based on:

  • The social innovation we are putting in place, to offer our academic support to anyone who needs it.

  • Promote literacy and language certification for the acquisition of Spanish nationality.

  • A professional and committed team, modern facilities, experience and international recognition.

  • The curriculum and our teaching system that are aligned with the content standards set by the academic community.

  • Fulfilling our strategic and institutional objectives as efficiently as possible.

  • Identifying, understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of all our stakeholders.

  • Respond to the new demands of society, being able to manage change and transformation, to implement learning and improvement processes, and to defend educational innovation.

Escuela de Español Clase Escuela Espanol 02


To achieve excellence in our social project until we become, in a sustainable manner, an international benchmark in the teaching of Spanish, through continuous improvement, innovation, introspection and good practices. These actions, managed in a transparent manner, will benefit Spanish-speaking society, boost its expansion and strengthen the recognition of our great value: Spanish.


Santa Barbara Spanish School is run by specialists in the field of education with more than 30 years of experience.
With 2 years of experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (ELE).

SANTA Bárbara is an independent and unique school, expert and innovative in the teaching of Spanish, led by specialists in the field of education. It’s a project come true by a great team. Our goal is to promote Spanish learning with a student-centered methodology as a self-employed learner, oriented to understanding and understanding among people from different countries and cultures. We have the presence of different nationalities in the center such as French, Italian, German, Belgian, American, Chinese, etc…

SANTA Barbara SPANISH SCHOOL listens to you, advises you, advises you and offers you a customized and flexible solution for your needs. The type of course, the accommodation, the activities will be oriented to your objectives.

Escuela de Español Clase Escuela Espanol


  • Dignity and human rights

  • Justice

  • Peace

  • Responsibility

  • Compromise

  • Solidarity and effort


  • Transparency

  • Training and capacity building

  • Work orientation

  • Sustainability

  • Ongoing dialogue

  • Vocation of Service

  • Commitment to excellence

  • Innovation

  • Leadership

“We, the Brotherhoods of Labour, commit ourselves to promote further professional training and to create whatever works are necessary to activate the promotion of all our brothers” (point 25 of the HHT Ideology).


Learning in SANTA Barbara SPANISH SCHOOL means living an exciting, enriching and highly effective learning experience. SANTA Bárbara is recognized for its very high quality of teaching, based on a communicative and humanist approach. You are the protagonist, the professor accompanies you. The main objective is to provide the student with the strategies and knowledge necessary to function in a Hispanic environment in which different cultures converge. In order to achieve this goal, the professor combines theory and practice, addressing all the pragmatic, linguistic and functional aspects of the spoken language,together with socio-cultural information, essential key to obtaining competence Communicative. Grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, oral expression and interaction, and written expression and interaction are always integrated in order to bring the student closer to an authentic communicative environment.


  • It has a Teaching Plan to ensure the proper progress of students’ learning.

  • It has a team of qualified teachers.

  • Follow a methodology tailored to students’ needs.

  • Conduct program and course evaluations.

  • It promotes the participation of its students in the tests for the obtaining of the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) in the center itself or in the examination centers of the environment.

  • Guide your students on their progress in learning Spanish.

  • It has equipped classrooms and adequate resources for teaching.

  • It has agile procedures to gather the opinion of its users.

  • It addresses student complaints and complaints.

  • It provides complete and detailed information about the courses and services they offer.

  • He makes a truthful publicity of his offer.

The school is a 2-minute walk from Olavide Square and 5 minutes from Iglesias Metro. Located in one of the most chaste neighborhoods of Madrid with a great gastronomic and commercial offer.

Description of the centre

3 classrooms, 1 library, function room, meeting room, teacher’s room, management office, gym, ballroom, café, 5 floors with 2 elevators and 1 forklift. Bathrooms on all floors with disabled access.

Escuela de Español Espacio abierto sala


The team of teachers at SANTA BÁRBARA is highly qualified, motivated, stable and works with enthusiasm and professionalism in the teaching of Spanish. All of our teachers are specialists in teaching Spanish as a foreign language and many of them have Postgraduate, Master’s and/or Doctorate degrees in their specialization. In addition to their extensive experience, our teaching staff is dynamic, open, outgoing, friendly and highly motivated, which makes the teaching/learning process especially fun and engaging for students.


Diocesan Presidents:
José David Belén and Mª Ángeles Sobrino

Vice President of the Pastoral Commission: Fernando García

Deputy General Manager:

Dolores Alonso

Chief Executive Officer

María Sabas Elías
María Sabas Elías

With an extensive background in managing and leading teams, I am here to lead this project. I love to travel through our students around the world and broaden horizons.

María Sabas holds a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Deusto (Bilbao) and a Master’s degree in teaching skills from the same university. He has also studied Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao). She has been teaching Spanish as a foreign language since 1986. She has been Academic Coordinator at Ideal Education Group for the Enforex and Enfocamp brands. María has been responsible for the DELE exam and the CCSE test for the Instituto Cervantes. She has also been a tutor of the internship of the Masters of Spanish as a foreign language for the University of Alcalá de Henares and for the University Antonio de Nebrija. She has been a linguistic proofreader for the Susaeta publishing house. She teaches the Master’s Degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language at the Comillas Foundation (University of Cantabria). He has specialized in pronunciation in the teaching of Spanish, a subject on which he has given various courses and workshops and on which he has written several manuals. She is co-author of the collection Nuevo Prisma at levels A2, B1 and B2, in the section of pronunciation and spelling, of the publishing house Edinumen, specialized in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

Administration Manager

Santiago de Diego
Santiago de Diego

I am an economist and I love basketball. I am resolute and sociable. You can come to me to help you in whatever you need.


José Ángel Díaz
José Ángel DíazELE teacher

In my classes we learn Spanish in a dynamic and fun way. I have extensive experience in ELE, literacy and reading and writing. I love traveling, good food and learning about new cultures.


Susana Benítez
Susana BenítezELE teacher

I have extensive experience in teaching ELE and DELE. I love meeting people and sharing peculiarities of our cultures. I am an animal lover and I love walking with my two dogs in the countryside.


David Carril
David CarrilELE teacher

I have extensive experience in teaching ELE and EFE. I like reading, playing the Spanish guitar, learning languages, I speak English, Italian, German and Russian.


Paola Cano
Paola CanoELE teacher

I am a linguist and teacher of ELE, DELE and EFE, I love Spanish varieties, almost as much as running in the mountains, cats, history, traveling, and learning languages: I am currently studying Modern Greek and Mandarin Chinese.


Alba Hernández
Alba HernándezELE teacher

I love my job, I am an ELE and DELE teacher, my classes are hyperdynamic. I love to travel, I am passionate about sports, art and gastronomy. I speak English and French.


Claudia Sastre
Claudia SastreELE teacher

I was born in Madrid but I love to travel and this passion has also accompanied me in my profession. I have taught Spanish all over the world from Cameroon to France and Italy.


Arturo Pérez
Arturo Pérez

Creative of graphic and audiovisual arts, I am passionate about design, film and music. I love communications and new trends. Webmaster and videographer.